
Functional Stability and Mobility Training Redefined

Functional Stability & Mobility Training Redefined Mockup (AHP).jpg
Functional Stability & Mobility Training Redefined (Look Inside - AHP).png
Functional Stability & Mobility Training Redefined Mockup (AHP).jpg
Functional Stability & Mobility Training Redefined (Look Inside - AHP).png

Functional Stability and Mobility Training Redefined


Whether you’re a high level athlete looking to master your body mechanics & bulletproof your body or a fitness enthusiast looking to come back from injury, this is the program you need. Dr. Seedman offers his NEW state of the art, cutting edge Functional Mobility and Stability program that’s designed to eliminate any and all traces of muscle dysfunction, injuries, and musculoskeletal inflammation as you master your movement.

Say goodbye to injuries and musculoskeletal inflammation including back pain, hip pain, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder impairments, spinal issues, ankle problems, and more. This is Dr. Seedman's ultimate blue-print for living a pain-free life as you maximize your genetic potential for optimized biomechanics and muscle function.

After several weeks of performing this routine your body will feel better than it has in years with greater efficiency of movement, stability, mobility, motor control, while witnessing firsthand what it feels like to live pain-free. With over 20 unique programs and 300 + unique exercises, this routine is guaranteed to transform your muscle function and body mechanics as you bulletproof your body from injuries, pain, inflammation, and tweaks, by maximizing your functional mobility, stability, and neuromuscular activation.

Designed to be used pre-season, in-season, and offseason as your primary training program. This program includes dozens of proprietary and scientifically proven training methods from Dr. Seedman’s arsenal including, eccentric isometrics, eyes closed training, unilateral explosive movements, neuromuscular reactive training RNT, oblique sling activation movements, post activation potentiation protocols, multiple offset loading methods, advanced plyometric training, impact training, rate of stabilization development, advanced rotational and anti-rotation movements, perturbation training, oscillating kinetic energy, and more.

Get ready for 20+ of the most effective state-of-the-art workouts designed to improve neuromuscular efficiency, stability, functional mobility, balance, alignment, postural control, strength, functional hypertrophy, and motor control, in just a few weeks. If you’ve ever wondered how Dr. Seedman and his athletes are able to perform all of the incredibly advanced exercises that few if any other athletes in the world can successfully complete, this program will walk you through step by step so you can obtain the same level of ninja-like movement mastery.

Add to Cart | $299.95