

The Ultimate New Year's Resolution Checklist

The Ultimate New Year's Resolution Checklist

Here are 21 New Year’s resolution goals that all advanced lifters, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and general populations should apply to their training in the new year. These will take your performance, physique, strength, size, and health to the next level.

20 Signs Your Lifting Form Sucks

20 Signs Your Lifting Form Sucks

Proper lifting technique and body mechanics are essential for long-term joint health, performance, and physique improvements. With that said, here are 20 tell-tale indications you can use to determine whether or not your form is due for an overhaul. 

Why Everyone Can & Should Squat the Same: 101 Truths

Why Everyone Can & Should Squat the Same: 101 Truths

Everyone squats the same regardless of individual differences and joint anthropometrics. A proper squat involves 90 degree joint angles and is most easily obtained by using eccentric isometrics with perfect posture and body alignment. Here are 101 truths everyone should know.

A Case For Exercise Variety: 21 Reasons

A Case For Exercise Variety: 21 Reasons

When it comes to maximizing your strength, size, and performance, a low to moderate level of exercise variety is critical for maintaining progress and avoiding training stagnation. Here’s everything you need to know about exercise variety.

Stop Doing Sissy Squats: 12 Superior Alternatives

Stop Doing Sissy Squats: 12 Superior Alternatives

The sissy squat has recently gained quite a bit of popularity in mainstream fitness and bodybuilding. Unfortunately it’s not only an inferior quad and thigh builder that lacks proper muscle stimulation, it destroys the knees. Here are 12 superior alternatives to sissy squats.

25 Best Functional Presses for Athletes & Bodybuilders

25 Best Functional Presses for Athletes & Bodybuilders

When it comes to utilizing functional presses for athletes and bodybuilders, sometimes we need to look past the traditional barbell and dumbbell chest press. Here are 25 of the best functional presses for athletic performance that also build functional strength & size.

Overcoming Isometrics for Strength, Size, & Performance

Overcoming Isometrics for Strength, Size, & Performance

Research has shown that overcoming isometrics are one of the most effective techniques for increasing motor unit recruitment & post activation potentiation. Combining eccentric isometrics with overcoming isometrics produces even greater gains in strength, size, & performance.

30 Loaded Carry Drills For Strength, Size, & Performance

30 Loaded Carry Drills For Strength, Size, & Performance

Loaded carries are some of the most simple yet effective strength training movements you can perform for building functional strength and size throughout the body. Here are my top 30 favorite variations along with 10 tips to help master any loaded carry or farmer’s walk.

25 Tips to Maximize Your Bodyweight and Home Workouts

25 Tips to Maximize Your Bodyweight and Home Workouts

Bodyweight training is the new rage. Unfortunately most folks end up going about their quarantine and home bodyweight workouts in a very ineffective way thereby sacrificing their gym gains. Here are 25 key tips you should implement immediately.

Pullups & Pulldowns: The Right & Wrong Way

Pullups & Pulldowns: The Right & Wrong Way

Pullups are one of the most effective staples in any training program. Unfortunately most lifters including advanced bodybuilders and “expert” strength coaches perform them incorrectly thereby negating the benefits. Here’s how to do them.

Bodyweight Eccentric Overload For Strength, Size, & Power

Bodyweight Eccentric Overload For Strength, Size, & Power

Bodyweight exercises are some of the most natural feeling movements we can perform. Here’s how to apply eccentric overload to your favorite bodyweight movements such as pushups, dips, pullups, & rows, to maximize strength, size, & performance.

Functional Arm Training for Size & Performance

Functional Arm Training for Size & Performance

Fitting upper body isolation exercises into your training routine can be tricky particularly when you’re looking to emphasize larger compound movements in your lifting program. Here are my favorite ways to crush your arms while saving time and improving functional performance.

Oblique Slings: The Secret to Athletic Performance & Strength

Oblique Slings: The Secret to Athletic Performance & Strength

Want to maximize your athletic performance, strength, muscularity, stability, and joint health? Time to start taking advantage of functional training methods that utilize the anterior and posterior oblique slings via contralateral hip activation and unilateral movement patterns.

Offset Loading for Strength, Size, & Performance

Offset Loading for Strength, Size, & Performance

Offset loading training is one of my favorite strength training techniques not only for eliminating imbalances, asymmetries, and muscle dysfunction, but also for building ridiculous levels of functional strength, hypertrophy, motor control, and core stability. Read more here.

The Best Zercher Squats You’ve Never Done

The Best Zercher Squats You’ve Never Done

The barbell Zercher squat is an incredibly effective lower body exercise.  However it also has its share of downfalls.  Here's how to use kettlebells and landmine stations to improve the effectiveness of this classic strength exercise.  

Good Mornings For Strong Glutes & Posterior Chain

Good Mornings For Strong Glutes & Posterior Chain

The good morning exercise is one of the best posterior chain movements that crushes the glutes and hamstrings while also blasting the postural muscles of the upper body. Unfortunately it gets a bad rap. Here’s how to perform it correctly plus 20 unique variations.

Trap Bar Pull-Ups for Mass, Strength, & Function

Trap Bar Pull-Ups for Mass, Strength, & Function

The Trap bar is one of my favorite training tools and specialty bars. Here's how to use it for pullups and chinups. As an added bonus each variation will help spark new growth, strength, posture improvements, and enhanced muscle function.

Fix Your Low Back Arch on Bench Press

Fix Your Low Back Arch on Bench Press

Excessive low back/lumbar arch on bench press movements is a common mistake even amongst advanced lifters. Not only does it set the individual up for potential injuries but also minimizes the effectiveness of the chest press itself. Let’s fix it!

The Best Landmine Exercises You've Never Done

The Best Landmine Exercises You've Never Done

The Landmine is one of the most versatile training tools in existence. Unfortunately many lifters limit its application to basic rows, goblet squats, and presses. There are dozens of unique exercises that can be performed with it. Here are my favorites.

The Squat Everyone Can & Should Do

The Squat Everyone Can & Should Do

Although I use a variety of squats and lower body drills with my clients particularly eccentric isometrics, there’s one squat variation I tend to use with just about every client due to its simplicity and effectiveness - namely, the front curled squat.