
Eccentric Isometrics

Build Massive Legs with Trap Bar Bulgarian Squats

Build Massive Legs with Trap Bar Bulgarian Squats

Although the trap bar can be can be used for squats, deadlifts, chest presses, overhead presses, bent over rows, pullups, squat jumps, and even lunges, Bulgarian Squats are one of the most brutal variations that crush the entire lower body.  

The Ultimate Strength and Hypertrophy Technique

The Ultimate Strength and Hypertrophy Technique

When it comes to boosting functional strength and hypertrophy even in the most stubborn muscle groups /lifts, one of the most effective techniques I’ve used is combining eccentric isometrics with the one and a half method (1.5 rep technique).

Master Your Lower Body Mechanics with This Lunge

Master Your Lower Body Mechanics with This Lunge

If you're looking for a method to improve your lower body mechanics try this eccentric isometric lunge as shown here by NFL superstar DeAngelo Hall.  The impact this has on running mechanics and athletic performance is significant. 

Fix Your Ab Rollouts with Eccentric Isometrics

Fix Your Ab Rollouts with Eccentric Isometrics

The abdominal rollout is one of the most effective anti-extension and core activation exercise movements. Unfortunately most lifters perform them incorrectly either using an excessive range of motion or allowing the hips to drop.

Strengthen Your Back and Core With This Pullover

Strengthen Your Back and Core With This Pullover

If you’re looking for a great upper body movement that also anilities the core, look no further than this unique pullover exercise. Essentially you’re performing an eccentric isometric dumbbell pullover while holding a hollow body leg raise.  

Maximize Your Knuckle Pushups with The Foam Roller

Maximize Your Knuckle Pushups with The Foam Roller

Performing knuckle pushups on foam rollers does wonders for cleaning up pushup technique and horizontal pressing mechanics. They're also some of the most difficult pushups variations you'll ever perform sure to leave your chest scorched.

Master The Single Leg RDL & Hip Hinge

Master The Single Leg RDL & Hip Hinge

Mastering the single leg hip hinge is pivotal for maximizing athletic performance, muscle function, and movement mechanics. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most butchered movement patterns with many trainers, athletes and coaches performing it wrong.  

Lunges with Makeshift Safety Squat Bar

Lunges with Makeshift Safety Squat Bar

Besides being very effective for performing standard squats, this makeshift safety bar setup is very conducive for performing barbell lunges.  Not only will it improve your lunge mechanics but your entire lower body will get crushed from this. 

Rotational Ring Rows For Massive Back Gains

Rotational Ring Rows For Massive Back Gains

Inverted rows are a great exercise for building strength and size in the upper back as well as improving posture and spinal alignment.  Unfortunately many individuals perform them improperly often with subtle form mistakes.