
Tip: Do the Squat-Stance Deadlift

Article originally appeared on on 6/13/16

Is the conventional deadlift or the sumo deadlift better? For many of us, a combination of the two is best. Here's how to do it.

The squat-stance deadlift combines the best elements of conventional and sumo. It basically has no sticking point. Unlike the other two styles of deadlift, it has even tension throughout.

This deadlift style has incredible transfer– squat to deadlift and deadlift to squat. Each time you train one, you're training the other. The squat-stance deadlift is also therapeutic. It promotes optimal movement while helping to eliminate dysfunction. Here's a quick tutorial:

  1. Keep the feet relatively straight. This position will produce the greatest strength increases.
  2. Use a position that's anywhere between a normal squat stance (approximately shoulder width), to roughly 20% wider than normal squat stance.
  3. Similar to a sumo deadlift, the arms and grip should be placed in between the legs to create a feeling of straddling the barbell. It should feel as though the bar is positioned between the feet and legs rather than in front of them.
  4. Your lower body mechanics will be nearly identical to a low-bar squat. Focus on pushing the knees out and keeping the hips pushed back as far as possible while still keeping the chest up. Keep a natural, not excessive, arch throughout the spine and keep your head in a neutral position.
  5. After pre-loading the musculature by pulling slack out of the bar, focus on locking the spine tightly into position by squeezing the daylights out of your lats.

Related articles: Squat-Stance Deadlifts: Strength & Size